Robolabs working for you

One-stop shop for college consulting

Robolabs college consulting core values: experience, service, mastery, innovation, STEM, and leadership—guiding students toward success in competitive college admissions and STEM careers.

UC Berkeley MET


Stanford University






John Hopkins






Harvey Mudd College


Santa Clara University


U Chicago

UC Berkeley MET - Stanford University - UPenn - UCLA - John Hopkins - NYU - UIUC - Harvey Mudd College - Santa Clara University - U Chicago

  • Robolabs college consulting takes in a select group of students every year to guide them with their college application journey. We leverage the entire Robolabs community and expertise to maximize the chances of our students getting into their target schools by setting them apart from other applicants.

    • Robolabs students have been accepted to top schools and programs such as UC Berkeley’s M.E.T. and UPenn’s M&T as well as Stanford, UCLA, Santa Clara University, Purdue, UIUC, UCSD, and many others.

  • Portfolio preparation.

    Comprehensive orientation.

    30 one-hour essay sessions

    Monthly meeting until senior year, then bi-weekly meetings.

    Guidance on summer programs extracurriculars, internships, personal projects, and volunteering.